Health Resources

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

During this period of a global pandemic, we are being introduced to people in our society who are immunocompromised and therefore at a greater risk should they become exposed to Covid-19. Healthy individuals who contract Covid-19 may come out of this pandemic with permanent damage to major organs and the underlying health conditions that comes with that damage.

In 1997, my spouse Christy was exposed to sulfur dioxide, burning all the mucous membranes in her lungs and creating permanent irreversible damage. She rehabilitated herself and for many years lived a full life on 1/2 the lung function of what is considered normal. The damage to her lungs made her susceptible opportunistic infections.

If you or someone you love has damage or scarring to their lungs or are immunocompromised due to a lung condition, please learn more about lung disease. Learn how to mitigate further risk from lung disease you may be unaware even existed. The organizations below could save your life!

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NTM Info & Research, Inc. – Nontuberculous mycobacteria is a devastating lung disease. Non tuberculous mycobacteria are naturally occurring in our environment and are found in drinking water and the soil. It is NOT contagious but if you have compromised lungs, learn about what you can do to minimize exposure.

Bronchiectasis Info and Research – Bronchiectasis is a physical change in the lung airways affecting how the lungs bring air into and out of the lungs. The lung lose elasticity and cavities form where mucous is trapped, impacting airflow. There is no cure for this lung disease.

COPD – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or COPD is used to describe chronic lung disease characterized by shortness of breath.

National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado is one of the nation’s top pulmonary and respiratory hospitals in the country. Within National Jewish there is a Division of Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infections that treats patients suffering from mycobacterium avium complex and bronchiectasis.

The American Lung Association has been in existence for over 100 years and is one of the country’s most well known organizations dedicated to lung health.

Christy suffered from a chronic MAC infection (mycobacterium avium complex), a nontuberculous mycobacteria and developed bronchiectasis. She was treated at National Jewish Hospital in Denver, Colorado in their Mycobacterial & Respiratory Infection Division. We had hoped to get her on a lung transplant list but she passed away on 3/1/2020. I started this blog site as a way to work through my grief and reach out to others. Elaine

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