Guest Bloggers

  • Death,  Guest Bloggers,  Love

    When the Band Came to Town

    Courtney Walsh wrote this uplifting metaphor on death weeks after her stepmother passed away. Courtney is a junior at the University of Florida studying acting and history. As you will read, she is also a gifted writer. When the band came to town, Mrs. McKittrick was busy baking a pie. She sat near her kitchen window tugging at the dough carefully. A jar of cherry filling waited their turn on the counter, but it wasn’t time for cherries yet. On the quiet street in front of her, the band came marching by. Trumpets, cymbals, and drums thudded down the hot asphalt. But Mrs. McKittrick was busy baking a pie. When…

  • Guest Bloggers


    Lynn Colbert Kandrac currently lives in Westchester County, New York with her husband and is the adopted mother of two 4-legged humans disguised as cats. With over three decades as an Educator under her belt, Lynn recognizes that we are all lifelong learners—provided that we choose to be so. He’s a real Nowhere Man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody…[1] Whether used as an adverb, adjective, or noun, nowhere is a word that we’ve been conditioned to understand and use as a negative.   “He was nowhere to be seen.”  “She moved to a nowhere town.”  “That comment came out of nowhere.”  Nowhere is non-existent.…

  • Guest Bloggers

    S#itpit Insights

    Lynn Kellogg lives with her husband in upstate New York where internet connection is spotty, trees outnumber humans, and winter lasts way too long. A recently-retired educator, she’s a 46er who sometimes flies a Cessna and always loves the outdoors. As we journey along life’s byways, sometimes we lose control of the wheel, careen off our intended path, and plunge into a pit. The S#itpit. This pit oozes with challenges and setbacks. Daily and in small doses, we all face pain, frustration, fear, heartache, anger, and disappointment. Our lives bump up against chunks of uncertainty in the murky darkness of The S#itpit. Who voluntarily signs up for crap? Not me!…