
Life Continues And So Must The Journey

Nimitz Highway and River Street is an intersection on the island of Oahu in Hawaii.  This is where I impatiently came out of the womb ready to start on my own personal history.  I think my birth story reveals a lot about who I am. Impatience fueled by passionate conviction. I’m working on how these traits manifest themselves outwardly. In word, I’m trying to be more Zen.

I grew up in upstate New York against the backdrop of the flowering women’s rights movement with different ideas from my mother as to what my life as a woman should be. As I moved deeper into my teenage year, I couldn’t avoid the awareness that I was attracted to other girls. This caused me guilt and shame and put a wedge between me and my family as struggled with self acceptance.

In college, I majored in psychology with the intent of being a “death & dying” counselor. This would be my paying job while I wrote the next great American novel.  Plan B kicked in and I graduated with a B.A. in English, packed my car, and upset my parents by moving to Florida. It was a necessary move so that I could come out and be fully me. The Sunshine State continues to be my home.

I wanted to be a writer but not a starving artist, so I pursued a career in business. By leveraging my innate leadership skills and my skills as a creative thinker to solve business problems, I found success in the business world. My success would not be possible without the people along the way who saw something in me, encouraged me, believed in me, mentored me, and gave me a chance. I am eternally grateful to many that are part of my leadership journey. Never underestimate your ability to change someone’s life.

For years, I balanced life as a successful business executive by day and women’s fiction writer by night. When my daughter was born, the demands of work and motherhood and the balance all women seek to strike meant less time writing. As my daughter grew older and less dependent on me, I did publish a couple of women’s fiction works which you can find on Amazon. Drafts, story outlines and partially finished manuscripts sleep comfortably in my filing cabinet waiting to be reanimated.

Writers got to write. It’s in us. When my wife passed away on March 1, 2020, the thoughts, the feelings, and the grief I was experiencing needed release. The page was my shoulder to cry on; my way of processing what had happened to me; to us. I launched my Hijacked Traveler blog on April 7, 2020 on what would have been my wife Christy’s 56th birthday.

 Grieving is challenging. Grieving during a global pandemic was unimaginable. But I moved through it. I wrote and edited and when the words on the page read raw but felt less raw inside because of the cathartic process of writing soothed me, I posted them.

I am going to continue blogging and writing and using this platform to share my musings, my stories, thoughts, experiences and perhaps begin dropping some chapters of book I will be reanimating. The journey continues. Not through grief, but through life.

Besides this blog, you can also follow me on Medium where I publish my stories in An Idea as well as Prism & Pen, with my other writers sharing their stories and their journeys. https://elainedwalsh.medium.com/

“A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.”

John Steinbeck

Mom. Lesbian. Blogger. Writer. Theater & history nerd. Travel junkie. Wine lover. Spiritual soul on a journey


  • Jill Brooks

    Elaine, joy filled my heart as I looked at the pictures of you, Christy, and Courtney. You three shared so much!
    Thank you for keeping this blog up. <<>> This line made me happy because you still have so much to give. You’re having an extraordinary life, and I’m happy I’ll be able to see more of you a few weeks from now as I move to Florida, which is my next great adventure!
    Loved the Steinbeck quote. And you :-). <3

  • Cindy Christensen


    I’m enjoying your heartfelt blog and now the wonderful pictures with Christy, Courtney and you – all of your smiles 💕💕💕 I’m sorry Christy left you way too soon. It is evident that together you and Christy raised Courtney with great love, Courtney’s beautiful smile radiates happiness.

    I didn’t realize you were a writer “by night,” and I’m looking forward to reading your articles on Medium too.

    Sending you a hug and healing prayers,

  • Eric J Pfisterer

    I’ve come to relaize, over the years, that I spend a considerable amount of my energy pondering the rediculousness of the lifes we lead and bemoaning the inescapable truth that …..well….people suck. Then I read your thoughts and observations and am heartened by the realization that yes there ARE people out there of good heart and reason and I am forced to rethink my whole philosophy…….Damn you!

  • Annette Damey

    Elaine, I’ve been reading your blog for some time now. Your courage through your grief has been truly inspiring! I’ve also read both of your books, which are fabulous. I was part of your “business experience” as you know, and hope that in some way I’ve helped you along the way. Back then you may not have been as comfortable sharing who you were, but we all knew and loved you for yourself. I was so very happy when you and Christy found each other and Courtney has been a blessing to you both. I encourage whatever new trails you choose to blaze and will be there supporting you no matter what!


  • Brittney Miller

    It was such a pleasure to see this in my inbox! As always, your writing is an inspiring and tangible testament to your strength and talent. Words are so powerful (especially yours), and I’m so glad they’re helping you through this grieving process. I’m looking forward to keeping up with your writing and your journey. See you in California? 🙂

  • Linda Rumore

    Elaine, I have also enjoyed your blogs , it truly is heartfelt and speaks what you’ve had to go thru as you try to wrap all your emotions thru all the years of your life ! You have always brought a smile to me as I think about all that I have learned from you ! Christy was a perfect life partner for you and I know the grief gets easier as time goes on but it doesn’t take the place she will always have in your Heart away ! You have accomplished so many trials in your life and I’m sure when you where growing up it was very confusing since you were being told and taught one thing yet you knew that’s not what you were experiencing! Then there is Courtney , and I’m so happy that you got to experience the love of a child , she is truly a beautiful talented young women who I know was raised with lots of love ! May God watch over her as well as May he Provide as he has for you all you need ! I’m so thankful that during my journey of life we crossed paths ! You will always be close to my heart and have been in my prayers As was Christy since I Met her ! Love you Elaine !

  • Vicki Smith

    It warms my heart to hear your passionate words! I feel that you sharing your journey is very brave. Your honest and poignant posts are awe-inspiring!

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